Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bharat Mata by Abanindranath Tagore

I had a hard time picking a piece for this post.  None of the pieces really grabbed me and so I've settled with this one.  This is a depiction of Mother India, a personification of the country India.  I like how simple this watercolor is, I like that the main focus is not on setting a place or time but instead it is on the women.  She represents what is good for her people by what she is holding.  In each hand she holds something important to how one should live, or to show that she has all her people need.  In the bottom of the painting there are lotus flowers which are of importance in Indian culture.  They symbolize divinity, fertility, & wealth.  They also represent triumph, because they grow up through mud and are still beautiful.  I think that is the main reason why they are in this piece.  It says that even if there are hardships her people must face, they still come out beautiful & strong.  I think this painting is peaceful and seems to be calming.  I like the use of the reds and yellows, they are lively and draw in the viewer.  She is warm and I feel as though I can trust her because she seems to be welcoming.  Overall I enjoy looking at this piece and picking out the meanings of the details.