Monday, January 30, 2012

Dieric Bouts Virgin and Child

Of all the different renditions of the Virgin and Child, this one is my favorite.  I like how it seems very natural, she is holding him close and in a loving way.  It really shows the bond that develops between a mother and her baby.  Their bond also shows in the way they are making eye contact, Mary isn't staring out to us and just pointing to him.  We know he is important and so I like that its as if they have forgotten the audience and seem to be captured in their own little moment.  This reminds me of a photo someone might want of them and their baby, making this more relatable to anyone who looks at it. I don't think the baby is quite right in the face, there is a level of maturity that infants don't really have.  But I do like the chubby tummy and arms, I don't think I've ever seen a skinny baby! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First post of my first blog...

So I now have a blog...yay?
I've never really been into the whole blogging thing, but its a part of my art history class so I kinda have to do it.  I plan to be open-minded about this and maybe at the end of the semester I will like it enough to continue blogging. We will see...